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Welcome to the George Pierce Lady Glads and Gladiators page! At GPMS. baseball and softball is available for all students in all grades. During evaluations, they will be seperated into teams based on their grade and skills. The baseball/softball season runs from November-April, so be sure to stay tuned for updates and game days! Go, Gladiators!

2017-18 Softball Teams

Lady Glads Team A

Beginners/No Experience; All Grades


Lady Glads Team B

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 6th grade


Lady Glads Team C

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 6th/7th grade


Lady Glads Team D

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 8th grade


Lady Glads Team E

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 7th/8th grade


Lady Glads Team F

Advanced Elite, All Grades

2017-18 Baseball Teams

Gladiators Team A

Beginners/No Experience, All Grades


Gladiators Team B

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 6th grade


Gladiators Team C

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 6th/7th grade


Gladiators Team D

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 8th grade


Gladiators Team E

Intermediate/Mixed Levels, 7th/8th grade


Gladiators Team F

Advanced Elite, All Grades

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