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COVID-19 Update: Volume 1

Good afternoon, students! Since school has been closed for the rest of the school year and I know you will be looking to entertainment outlets, I have decided to give you some detailed updates about what's going on both online and in the real world in our community and beyond.

Shelter-In-Place Order Brings Out the Community in Local Neighborhoods

Although Pennsylvania has been strictly advised to remain at home and only leave the house when necessary, this hasn't stopped families from taking a stroll around the block or children playing in their yards outside. Not to mention to warm weather is definitely appealing. The parks have stayed open (although the playgrounds have been closed), so now the time to get active and see what nature has to offer. Just be sure to stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask, wash your hands, and sent in juicy gossip to our Instagram @georgepiercems!

Eliot Hollin Currently Under Fire for Keeping Her Stores Open

Eliot must not have gotten the memo when the governor announced that all non-grocery and supply stores, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses close to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, because an anonymous employee from Eliot's fashion apparel & accessories store chain "Hollin" leaked an email directly from Eliot ordering all 8 of her physical stores remain open during the global pandemic. Employees aren't even given face masks, gloves, or anything to keep them safe!

After the release of the email (which has since be deleted), Eliot has been attacked nonstop on all of her social media platforms, and has even lost about 8,000 followers since Monday. Although the post is gone, the evidence was all on Eliot's computer and Hollin has been sued for a whopping $50,000 for violating health terms. Eliot has not made any comment on this development, but she is still scheduled to do her regularly scheduled QVC show Eliot Hollin NOW online live Thursday evening.

Northside School Students Speak Out Against Mandatory Schooling

Eliot is not the only one keeping her business's doors open during a tragic time. There have been a total of 26 videos of Northside School students (ranging from grades 3-12) speaking out online about how they are REQUIRED to attend school in person on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and testing days. This requirement is even worse for seniors, who have been threatened with being denied their graduation if they do not show up for classes.

We all knew what a rough, strict, and cultivating school Northside was, but this is reaching new levels of insanity. There have been two individuals (one teacher and one international student) who have been tested positive for corona in early March, and they didn't cut back on classes until two weeks ago, so who KNOWS how many people the patients had come in contact with since then. But Northside refuses to make this an excuse for their education.

In one video, and 7th grader says that she was really close with the international student, and they had hung out a ton until she was taken to the hospital after nearly suffocating. She said she was "furious that she wasn't allowed to get tested, and scared for the other students who she has come in contact with that she may have spread it to".

But the staff, and the parents, even, are not having it. A few parents have gone as far to delete the student's call for help videos, and even punished them. The teachers have been reported to disable the WiFi in the school, and make students turn in their phones upon entering class to prevent any evidence of their wrongdoings being leaked.

This has only be reported to have happened at Northside's main location in Harrisburg, but their sister location in Williamsport closed their doors two weeks ago despite the dean's wishes to stay open, and are holding all classes online. Both of their Rec County location's have also followed suit, and rumor has it the dean is considering disowning the 3 locations for not listening to her.

Northside is currently on spring break, so a decision on what they're going to do moving forward is still TBD, but let's hope they making the right choice for their students.

New Possible Private School for Rec County May Be Underway

Blueprints and documents about a potential private, Christian/Catholic school to be built in Rec County have been found on Facebook and is going viral for us locals. This may the perfect opportunity for some parents to send their children somewhere other than the corrupt RCPS, but on a fixed budget, religious standards, more local, and not career based. The only good private school in Rec County is Castle Guard in Anna Hill, and is for elementary school only.

Based on the rough drafts, the school seems like PARADISE, and lot of parents seem to be looking into it. Details are still to come, and they most likely will be delayed due to COVID-19, so they may not be able to open for the 2020-21 school year.

Stay posted for more updates regarding the Coronavirus and whats's happening! Keep indoors and safe everyone!

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